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  • matt5961

Featured Provider: Debbie Sergent, LMT, PBP

Hi, my name is Debbie Sergent. I have been a massage therapist since 1999, and I specialize in Bowenwork (BW). I feel so blessed to be introduced to this therapy, which was quite by accident! In 2008, I rented out a room to another therapist, who specialized in BW. As I watched her work, I noticed that she would leave the treatment room often and be out of the room for 2 minute increments. I thought it was a little weird, but whatever. About 3-4 months later, I had a bad cold and she offered to work on me. While receiving the treatment I wasn’t sure if I should be annoyed or just accept and relax. I still felt awful at the end of the treatment and went straight home. First thing I noticed was how tired I was! I was in bed by 5pm and slept all night without waking. When I did wake up, I sat up and noticed that my head was clear, my throat was no longer sore, and I was not coughing! Needless to say, I went straight to my computer to find out more about this wonderful technique and where I could learn it!

So, what is Bowenwork? The Bowen Technique is a neuromuscular reflexo-therapy. Like other reflex therapies, the role of the spindle cells and other receptors of the skin, fascia, muscles, and joints is primordial. A major difference, which allows better integration of the information and brings lasting results, is the pause: the somatosensory integration time, absolutely necessary and present between each sequences of Bowen moves. The Bowen technique is a hands on, holistic method which consist of very gentle challenges to the muscles and soft tissues; it produces astonishing results. I used to have the hardest time explaining what BW is, but now I keep it simple and say, “BW is a light touch therapy to reset tension patterns in the body.” The pauses in-between moves helps to let the brain register the moves and make changes to the body as needed. I also do Emmett therapy, which is also a light touch therapy, and I’m an advanced practitioner in both BW and Emmett. I love combining the two to help ease pain and discomfort and to increase movement and improve quality of life.

Services are provided for children, adolescents, and adults. Discounts are offered for Seniors (60+) and Military/Veterans.

How should people learn more about your or connect about services?

To learn more about what I do, please visit my website at


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